The night that I posted the original blog about spiders, one decided to greet me in my bathroom. Since then, every bit of string, every dust bunny, every shadow on the wall makes me jump and do a double-take to make sure it's not one of those horribly unnerving creatures.
This goes on for a good 3-4 weeks every time I find an unnaturally large spider in my house. A complete disruption in my normal way of life.
Anyway, the giant spider in my bathroom is there to assassinate me, I'm sure of it. There was a bomb strapped to it's abdomen... Ok, well, there was no bomb strapped to its' abdomen, but my heart rate had suddenly increased as if there had been.
I'm pretty sure it had been lying it wait while I took my shower. When I had entered the bathroom, nothing had seemed amiss. My shower must have proved a lot shorter than it had anticipated, because when I opened the shower curtain, it ran from the middle of the bathroom floor to behind the toilet.
At first, I had thought it was a mouse.
Then, it dawned on me that a rogue spider faction must be taking its' revenge.
Completely naked and dripping wet, I grabbed my hairspray from the counter and carefully and slowly walked over to the toilet.
This is what greeted me:
This thing was a fucking mutant beast.
I uncapped the hairspray and bravely dispatched the pressurized fluid.
Apparently, one of the benefits of being a mutant beast spider is that you're completely impervious to hairspray.
This is when it charged me.
I swear I levitated. I was suddenly on top of the toilet. At this point, I was thinking that I need to act fast before it climbs the toilet after me. (Can spiders even climb toilets?)
I did a leap across the bathroom and ran into my bedroom.
Being engaged in spider warfare is quite unnerving completely butt-ass naked, so I put on my tennis shoes. I grabbed a boot and crept back into the bathroom.
It was waiting for me. I ran at it with my boot and a war cry (ok, I just charged it in a quick fashion silently) and vigorously smashed it 5-7 times with the heel.
I killed it dead and I won.
Go America.
Yes, I tried to deliver the spider to its afterlife with hairspray+lighter at first, but I couldn't get the right angle :(